Have you just scrolled down on your timeline and a twinge of jealousy creeped up in you because everyone else’s life SEEMS picture perfect. And that, well, your life is coming apart at the seams. Been here. Sis, in this moment, I just want to encourage you.
I’ve listed some feelings that have popped up in my head when I scroll and how I deal with those thoughts.
Confession #1: It seems like they are living their BEST LIFE and I feel like I am behind in my own life.
Truth: You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Could it be that you feel behind because you are comparing where you want to be to where someone else is called to be?
Philippians 4:11-13 says "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." I know we hear this over and over and over but it really is true about being content. The minute we are content, the blessings start to flow.
Confession #2: It seems like God keeps blessing everyone else BUT I feel like God has forgotten about me.
Truth: Isaiah 49:16 says that if we come closer to God, he will come close to us. Sis, he is right there. The reason you feel that empty space and nothing fills it up is because God is making room so he can occupy it. I'll tell y'all something that has stuck with me, "When we feel forgotten, is it because someone has moved. And that someone isn't God."
Also, remember that if God is blessing someone else, he is in the neighborhood and he is headed to your street next. Your "way out" is coming because God's blessings are NOT like a pie. When you have a pie, once you cut a piece, it is gone. That is now how blessings work. God's blessings are like an ocean, THEY NEVER RUN out. He will have enough to bless the person next to you AND THEN SOME.
Confession #3: It seems like they have it all together but I feel overwhelmed.
Truth: Isaiah 43:2 says that when we go through deep waters aka difficult situations, he is with us. He will NEVER let us drown. First, I want you to take a deep breathe. Inhale and exhale. Next, maybe take a day off. Look at your busy schedule and prioritize. Something may have to go. I’m learning not to be busy JUST to say I am busy.
Confession #4: It seems like they are so happy. I wish I was in a relationship.
Truth: Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has a RIGHT TIME for everything. He plants in us a desire but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding his plans….Y’all I love this verse because God literally has a time for you and your future boo’s paths to cross. I am in this walk and I can honestly say it saves so much pain and heartache. Wait it out. And don’t just wait around, wait well and LIVE UP your single life. We have NO ONE to answer to and we can just get up and go. Go travel. Go serve other people. Go out.
Confession #5: It seems they know everybody with 100K plus followers and I have like 100 followers. I feel like a nobody.
Truth: Zechariah 4:10 says DO NOT despise small beginnings. Just because someone else’s star is on the rise, does not mean you aren't making an impact. People are watching and you never know who is touched by your content. I have had to go through this. Keep working at it. Often, what we deem as small God deems as large and vice versa. God doesn’t count in followers, he counts in souls.
So sis, the next time you scroll your social media and begin to feel like you are falling apart at the “seems,” inhale, exhale, and breathe in God’s truth. You are exactly who you are and where you are FOR A REASON. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t discount what God is doing. If you need to, take a quick break from social media, I do it every month just to reset. Know that God sees you. He hears you. AND He has your back!
