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Writer's pictureMarlisa Nicole

Live Full & Die Empty.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I want to die empty.” I posted this quote the other day that said, "DO NOT go to the grave with your best work INSIDE you. Choose to die empty.” These phrases have stuck with me because it is a goal of mine to accomplish everything God has for me. My wish is that this is a similar goal of yours. See sis, we think we experience regret now (and we do!) but can you imagine God showing you all the things you “could have done” while here on earth? I don’t know about you but that is something that energizes me to keep going.

Growing up, I always heard that "the richest place is the grave." Think about that. Many people died with dreams and visions inside of them. Some may have been stopped by time and others may have let fear keep them at a standstill. This is not to place guilt but to serve as a wake up call. I think “dying empty” is one of the reasons it hurts us to the core when someone dies before we believe it is their time. We feel they had so much more left in them and of course, we want more of them.

I want this post to serve as a reminder of how important it is to be intentional and purposeful decisions. This can mean mending broken relationships, letting go of unforgiveness, building authentic relationships with lifelong friends, or repairing family relationships. WHATEVER God is telling you to do, DO IT! In this season, God is showing me how to be “more present.” This means having meaningful conversations with no phone distractions, having more “belly laughs”, spending more time with family, etc... Time is the greatest resource we have been given so I have also been trying to enjoy the “little things.” I guess you could say this is the time to build memories.

Can I go deep for a minute? This may sound like a “soapbox moment” but it will put things into perspective. ---

Here’s the thing-- Life is about managing the time we have. We don’t own time because we didn’t create it. God did. He gave us time to enjoy earth. God gave it to us so we can have a sense of purpose. If he didn’t give us time, we probably would procrastinate like crazy. Isn't it BECAUSE we think we are running out of time that we try to do things that are more meaningful? Think about it. Why does everyone feel this sense of urgency to figure out “why I am here?” Or chasing the idea of “securing the bag” and “making it.” Sis, we all have this internal drive for a reason!

Part of managing our time, involves letting God unravel and unpack what is in us. Another word that goes along with this is potential. When I think of potential, I think of possibility and promise (Girl, you have both of those!) “Dying empty” means there must be things inside of us to fill us up and pour out. We can’t empty a cup that has nothing in it. Sis, God has placed more than just potential aka possibility--he placed purpose inside you. That is a WHOLE LOT to empty out. And get this--we don’t even know the extent of what is inside of us. That is why we need God to place in different situations to pull out of us what we never thought we had IN us. This is why we go through “less than ideal” situations. Now don’t get it twisted, God will never cause “bad” things to grow us or teach us a lesson (That is NOT his strategy). However, he will use those things. He will place us in UNCOMFORTABLE situations. A huge part of uncomfortable is the situations we do not know about. But purpose is not comfortable. It starts out in seed form so there is a lot of planting and sowing involved. And hear this, there is often a lot of time involved.

Once again sis, all of this is connected--time, “dying empty”, potential, and purpose! The goal for us is to live full so we can die empty. We have so much potential in us and we were created ON purpose and FOR a purpose. God needs you. So sis, each time you think about the season or situation you are in, have the perspective of "this isn't random and it will be used to better me. " AND ask yourself these questions--How is this going to be used to push me closer to my purpose? How can I maximize this experience I am in? How can this grow me? What can I learn from this

How To Live Full & Die Empty:

  • Ask God, Why am I here? We all have two purposes-- our one common purpose is to help win souls but our other purpose is unique to us.

  • Think about what makes you unique. This will not only curb comparison but there will be this self assurance that even if you have a “similar purpose” to someone else, it STILL will not be the same. Why? Because only “you” can do it like “you.”

  • Recognize that your purpose is not just for you.

  • Think about the fragility of life. No matter how positive we think, we should know that we are ALL on borrowed time. We won’t be here forever so live a life to be proud of.

  • You must plant seeds today for a harvest later. There will ALWAYS be a “time to plant a seed time and a time to harvest it” which means there is a delayed gratification factor. Be prepared.

  • Avoid comfort. Let your present comfort be a warning to your future discomfort. The minute you feel comfortable, know that God is about to “shake things up.” God is known to take us outside of our comfort zone. Don't let this scare you. Get excited because BIG THINGS are poppin'.

  • Ask yourself, “Am I using the gifts and talents God gave me to the fullest?” If not, this means there is SO MUCH more in store for you, sis. ALLAsk God to show you how to maximize them.

  • Live by “God will get the glory out of my story.” And watch Him work!

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