For the past couple of months, I’ve been thinking about dreams. I’ve always thought it was so dope to dream something and then it happens exactly as you see it. I have a couple of friends where this is the case. Listen, God speaks to us in several ways and one way is through our dreams. I figured that I am not the only one that is new to this whole dream interpretation “thing” so this blog post is about the importance of dreams.
Before we dive in, I want to ask you a couple of questions—What do you typically dream about? Do you have the same dreams over and over? Do you remember your last dream? See, I used to dismiss my dreams as random or just downright strange (and some of them are lol!) but after listening to this message from Stephanie Ike entitled, “The importance of dreams”—I’ve been looking at dreams a little differently now.
When I think about the subject of dreams, the first person that comes to mind is Joseph. (I recommend reading his story in Genesis 37.) God basically gave Joseph a snapshot of his life through his dreams. Wild, right?? Problem was, God showed him the end result and not much in between. He dreamed about becoming King and living his best life in the palace but he never saw the pit that came before it. God often does this, he shows us the end and leaves out the process in between. My best guess is that this happens because God wants us to be dependent on him. Think about it---if God told us everything we needed to know, we would probably act like we don’t need him. For this reason, there will always be a piece of our lives that will be a mystery. Sometimes, pieces of the mystery can be told to us through the Bible, other people, messages we hear, or even our dreams.
I heard this quote, “Dreams are God’s divine way of revealing mysteries about our lives and the people connected to us.” We can get real revelation from our dreams and visions. You may be thinking, “Wow, that’s deep sis but what if I never remember my dreams?” That is a valid question because I stay forgetting my dreams lol.
Here is something that I have held onto—“It is in the presence of God that we remember our forgotten dreams.” I don’t think this means that we will remember every single dream that we have but that God will point out and show us what we need to remember if we ask Him. I believe that the way we know a dream is from God and not just our imagination is that it is detailed, supernatural, and it just sticks with you for days, months, or even years down the line. Think about it, most of us only remember 1-2 dreams we have during the night. And when I say "supernatural", I don't mean in a spooky way. I mean that there is something in the dream that you would not ordinarily know. That's called divine wisdom.
Here’s another thought about our dreams— imagine if a dream held important information. Sometimes, God initiates conversations with us through our dreams. The best way to continue that conversation is to ask God questions about the dream the next morning. Sis, you better bug God about it because only he knows the real meaning of what you saw. We don’t want to miss if God is speaking to us and we can’t google the random details in our dreams so we might as well talk to him. Sometimes, the answer to our prayers will be revealed in our dreams. It’s not the only way but it is a channel that God communicates with us.

My Dream Code of Conduct:
#1: Write the dream down.
Write about it in your journal or notepad and date it as soon as you wake up. This step is important because as time goes on, we tend to forget more and more details. Remember sis, EVERY detail of the dream matters.
What is the main focus of your dream?
Were you an observer or participant in your dream?
Who were the people in your dream? (They could represent something deeper.)
What did you see? How many times did you see it? (Colors, numbers, etc...)
Where did the dream take place?
How did you feel in the dream? (Happy, Sad, Angry, Peace, etc…). Your emotions can provide clues about meaning.
What was said in your dream?
What was the time period in your dream? (Past, present, or future?)
#2: Ask God about the importance and meaning of the dream
He will tell you if the dream is giving you information about his plans or if it is giving you instructions on what to do next. Set an intentional atmosphere for God’s presence aka getting in that much needed quiet time and prayer time, sis. God is always speaking and he has A LOT to say. It is with his wisdom that we can understand what He was trying to tell us through the dream. Let God be the first and final interpreter of your dream.
#3: Protect your Dream
I heard this—“Do not be in a hurry to speak about it until you know it’s purpose.” I personally feel it is okay to tell someone close to you because two heads are better than one. And if/when it happens, that person can get excited with you. That person may even have some insight that God showed them. They may see something that you didn't see. But don’t rush to tell everyone you know!
At the end of the day, the only way we will know if our dream is the truth is if it happens.
So after reading this blog, I hope you get excited about going to sleep because you just never know what may dream about tonight. Dreams from God typically occur spontaneously but don’t be afraid to ask God for dreams. He just might take you up on that request.