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To My Struggling Sista,

Writer: Marlisa NicoleMarlisa Nicole

Updated: Jun 14, 2019

Hey Sis,

Let’s sit down, have a cup of hot chocolate, and get right to it. What’s been bothering you? What’s been keeping you up at night? What has you so on edge to the point of tears and frustration? God wants to know. As Priscilla Shirer beautifully put,

“What is it? C’mon, you can tell me. That thing in your life you cannot seem to–you know, escape or fix or solve. It’s just….it’s….*Sighs*. It is ALWAYS there. Just when you think you have maybe figured out a little piece of it–how you might be able to handle it better, manage it, work around it, or get out ahead of it–it always seems to end up beating you, or at least keeping you awake in the wee hours of the night. You’ve tried. You’ve prayed. You’ve asked. You feel like you have done everything you can think of. And honestly, you’re starting wonder now if God can do this, if He can do…it.”

Truth is, life is hard. If you are struggling right now, you are not alone. If you feel the pressure to be perfect and keep it ALL together, you are not alone. If you have been in a cycle of something that you have been trying to get away from for years, you are NOT ALONE.  If you feel like giving up, you are not alone. It is not always easy to juggle our commitments, live our best life, honor God the best we can, and maintain a smile on our faces. Trust me sis, I know the feeling. Life has a way of throwing a lot at us: work, school, family, friends, etc…This letter is simply to encourage you. Think of it as a gentle reminder. YOU do not have to do it all. God wants to step in and help you carry the load. See, in the areas that we are struggling in and feel weakest, God is present and he is your strength. Here is what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12. I think it will speak to our burdened hearts:

9 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Powerful. It is saying that you, yes YOU can be strong even when you feel like quitting because when you know the Creator of the Universe  personally–you have His power working in and through you. No strings attached. When you hurt, God hurts. I am praying that you tap into that peace beyond understanding that he promises. I am also praying that you access the wisdom that ONLY He can give you to work through your situation. I know you are tired, weary, and stressed all the way out but I promise that you will NOT crumble under the weight of it all. You will come out on the other side as golden.

Remember, diamonds are not created without pressure and gold cannot be made without fire. God never promised this life would be easy but he definitely said His yoke is light. You may be asking, what does that even mean? Back in the day, a yoke was used to join two oxen together: one older, wiser donkey with a younger, inexperienced donkey. The older donkey was able to withstand more weight and pressure so it made the load much easier for the both of them. This way, the younger oxen would not be over-burdened. That my sister is a beautiful physical representation of what God does for us. See, our capable and all-knowing God helps us carry our problems and issues so our life becomes an easier load. Know that He sees you and He is with you. He is not ignoring your prayers or tears. I want to remind you what 1 Peter 5:7 says,  “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

There is relief and  release that comes from pouring out our feelings, worries, and concerns to God. He cares about it all. Once you pour out what has been troubling you to God first– I want you to sit down with someone you trust and confide in them about what has been bothering you. Why? Because chances are they are struggling with something too. There is a worthwhile exchange that can take place. And it is also important to expose our struggles and give it light so that we can be free in mind and spirit. Go ahead, get it off your chest. I promise you will feel better. But once you give it to God, DON’T PICK IT BACK UP. Leave it at his feet. Remember, that God is Big enough to hold the WHOLE world in the palm of his hands but detailed enough to know the number of hairs on every single person’s head (Luke 12:7). In other words, God cares about the details of our lives. I mean He sent a physical representation to Earth in the form of Jesus to show how much he cares for us/ humanity. It is hard to take it all in but the overwhelmingness (Yes I made that up!) of it all does not make it untrue. Sis, no problem of yours is too big, too small, too embarrassing, too shameful, or too messy for Him to handle.

Pour your heart out, God can Handle it. The Struggle may be real... But so is God.



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