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Writer's pictureMarlisa Nicole

A Letter To the Goal Getter: How to Give God Room to Move

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

Hey sis,

It’s been awhile. New year. And New decade. Wow!! 2020 is finally here and I’m sure you have heard these words over and over again.

You have most likely made your goals, resolutions, and vision boards already.

Truthfully, I completed my vision board on December 30th but on January 5th, I had a realization. In the midst of the writing and planning—I realized that I forgot one thing. ONE HUGE THING. Where is God in all this?

Don’t get me wrong, I had God on my mind the whole time that I wrote my goals. But “what I wanted” was in the forefront of my mind. They were great goals but as I laid down in my bed to sleep that night, I suddenly felt this urge to take another look at my goals. I felt God say, “I see you want to do all these things but did you make enough room for me?” Immediately, I felt this sense of guilt because I carved out a small space. My last goal literally says, “These are my goals but God has the right to move at any time.” I acknowledged Him but it was more of an afterthought and not a first thought.

So immediately, I stopped and said this prayer, “God, I made this list of what I want to see happen in 2020 but I never stopped to think that maybe I have been asking for things that aren’t on your agenda. I want what you want. I just want to be in YOUR will, and not my own. So God, do what you do and let me move out of the way.” Sis, there’s our self will where we try to manifest our goals and then there is God’s will where we don’t have to do it all on our own. When we go with God's will, we simply give him room to work in our lives. That's a beautiful thing because you should know that God not only maximizes the space we give him but he goes beyond that.

So sis, this blog post is not to diminish your goals but to encourage you to pause, take a look at your written goals, and ask yourself, “Is God in this?” If you haven’t already, write down your vision. Vision is what you see with your eyes close. The trick is asking God, "What do you see for me?" Let that be your vision! But know that “we cannot tell God how to get his glory. “ So He will do it in HIS timing and HIS way.

Here are a Few Tips for Being A Goal Getter While Still Having God Approved Goals:

1. Start with Prayer. It is the best way to jump start the goal setting process

2. Check your motives. Go after goals that are for the right reason. Ask yourself, "Why do I want this?"

3. Try to make category goals. Like family, travel, health, finances, etc…You can also break them into categories of time (Daily, monthly, bimonthly, etc...). Either method will keep your goals organized!

4. BE specific. If you cannot measure the goal, you can’t know if or when you will accomplish it. Of course, we should also write them down. I believe that putting our thoughts/goals onto paper is SOO powerful! I love to date my goals and look back to see how far I have come and how much closer I need to get.

5. SHARE your goals. I believe there is nothing more powerful than exchanging visions. Not only are you joining your faith, but when you accomplish them, you have someone to celebrate with you!

6. Celebrate the small wins. If it is a true goal, it cannot be accomplished over night and that is OKAY! This is why you have to celebrate the big leaps AND the baby steps!

7. Don’t underestimate small beginnings. To accomplish something big, you have to start off small. (Zechariah 3:10)

8. Dream BIG. If you can see how you will accomplish the goal, it is too small. God is way TOO big to limit him and you are too gifted to underestimate yourself.

9. Pray again. I read something that said, “Goal setting begins and ends with prayer.” I believe this allows the perfect opportunities to come your way. Seal your goals with a prayer girl!

10. Enjoy the journey. Be open to possibilities. Your goals may not be accomplished the way you think they will. Get ready for a ride filled with lots of hard work and God-ordained opportunities!

Lastly, remember that we can never outdo God so letting Him in on our goals is the best thing that we can do! One of my favorite pastors (Tony Evans) recently said this, “Make plans but leave room for God so that if something happens that you did not plan, you aren’t by yourself.” SO sis, set your goals and make your plans, but allow for divine interruptions. Once we pair our faith with some work, get ready for God to go above and beyond your biggest goals! (Ephesians 3:20)

Know that I am rooting for You! I want this to be your BEST year yet.

Cheers to the New Year and go get 'em sis!

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